Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Dear All members,

This year our Club have embarked on an ambitious project i.e Lions Kidney Dialysis Centre. Our aim is to have the centre open during the celebration of our club 45th Anniversary i.e on 10th January 2009. Therefore, we have barely 117 days or 3.9 months to the dateline.

Lions Kidney Dialysis Centre

We have started this fund raising program 3 years ago to set up a Lions Kidney Dialysis Centre in Penang. Our target is to raise RM800,000. This project will be undertaken in partnership with the National Kidney Foundation of Malaysia (NKFM) Once the centre is set up, NKFM will provide the expertise to operate it. We have on 26th July 2008 signed a MOU with NKFM. Currently NKFM operates 20 dialysis centres around Malaysia.

Fund Raising Activities

Todate we have together with region lions clubs carried out the following projects to raise the needed fund for the centre:-

(i) During the year, NKF with the help of Lions Club of PJ Metro have raised RM102,852.67 from a Charity Dinner during the Miss Queen 2008 Selangor Final.

(ii) LC Georgetown Perdana have organized the “Gift of Love” Mooncakes in which the proceeds from the sale approximately RM45K will be donated to the Centre.

(iii) Our club have organised the Miss Queen 2006 & 2007 and have raised RM53K from the National Final.

(iv) Our recent Golfathon 2008 have raised approximately RM30K for the Centre.

Total fund raised todate for the Centre about RM230K which should be enough to kick start the centre. Based on feedback from members and donors, we have 11 machines in hand @ RM42K totaling RM462K. Therefore, we are still short of RM108K to make up the RM800K for the centre.

Charity Banquet Dinner cum Miss Queen International 2008

Our club will be organising the Charity Banquet Dinner cum Miss Queen International 2008 - National Final with the hope of raising sufficient fund for the centre. The event will be held as follows:-

Date : 16 November 2008 (Sunday)

Time : 7.00pm

Venue : Grand Ballroom, Berjaya Georgetown Hotel, Penang

Sale of ticket

(i) RM250 per person (RM2,500 per table)

(ii) RM200 per person (RM2,000 per table)

(iii) RM150 per person (RM1,500 per table)

Platinum Donor (Only limited to 50 donors on a first come basis)

Each Platinum Donor of RM2,000 will be entitled to the following:-

(i) 2 VIPs ticket to the Charity Dinner

(ii) One Name will be engraved in the wall plaque as Platinum donors to be displayed permanently in the Proposed Lions Kidney Dialysis Centre.

Closing date for Platinum Donor is Nov 3, 2008.

Please contact the following members for the tickets:-

Lions Anthony Lee (Ticketing Chairman) HP 012- 4291959

Lion Peter Chung HP 012-498 8698

Lion President Ong Hong Sing HP 012- 482 5628

Those interested to become Platinum Donor, please get the “letter for the Platinum Donor” from the above committee members, fill up the “REPLY SLIP” & fax to the fax number stated.

Our Club have 86 members, the largest Lions Club in this Region. Therefore, we need each and every member to at least find one or two Platinum Donor especially Corporate Org, Individual, friends who are willing to do Charity. Spread the word and I am sure there are many generous people who are waiting for the right moment to do the good deed.

Recent Budget 2009 have also encouraged the Organisation to do more charity project through Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) with increased in the Approved Donation limit from 7% to 10%. That mean, there are more fund being allocated for Donation by the Organisation. Please help to convey our message to them. Tax exemption receipt can be arranged through NKFM.

Should any of you require further clarification, please do call me or the above Lions for help.

Lion Jimmy Ong
Secretary 2007-2009
HP: +6012 488 5538
Office: +604 6448 201
Fax: +604 6448 182