Monday, July 20, 2009


For the 14th consecutive years, Lions Club of George Town will be organising this Charity Golfathon to benefit various charitable organisations. For the coming event, the Golfathon will be held on 22nd Aug 2009 (Sat) at BJCC, Penang.
The proceeds will be donated to the following Charitable Org:- Charis Hospice Penang, Pertubuhan Rumah Kebajikan Seri Cahaya, Penang and Lions Club Project Community Fund.
We require donors & sponsors for the Holes sponsor (Hole 1: RM10,000, Hole 2-18: RM2,000 each). There are also many org who have sponsors goodies, prizes etc for this event.
Above are the Entry Form for those who wish to play at RM250 per pax.
Should you require further information, please contact the Organising Chairman: Lion Steven Ooi (+6019-4706262) or Lion President Anthony Lee (+6012-4291959).
Lion Jimmy Ong (+6012-4885538)

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Dear All,
LCGT with Greenapple Ballet Academy co-organised this Charity Concert to raise fund for various Charity Homes and Under Privileged Children.

Those interested to support by way of Donation (RM500) or sponsor a Child (RM360) or purchase ticket for the concert (at RM30 each) can contact the Organising Chairman Lion Lee Kean Teong at +6012-482 2752.

Lions Jimmy Ong
Hon. Secretary

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Dear fellow members,
Chinese New Year is around the corner. In this difficult times, let not forget those in needs needed most. Our Long Term Old Folks Orgainising Chairman for 13th consecutive years, Lion Anthony Lee has always come out with big celebration lunch or dinner for old folks and under priviledged children during this festival season.
This year, the Charity dinner will be held as follows:-
Venue: Han Chiang Indoor Stadium
Date & Time: 31 Jan 2009 (Sat) at 6.00pm
Dinner table are available at RM500 & RM1,000(VIP).
Donations are encouraged to treat the old folks to the dinner at RM250 per table.
Please contact Lion Anthony Lee hp: +6012- 429 1959 for further details.